Doukyuusei manga kissmanga
Doukyuusei manga kissmanga

This is an example of "we're going to have some good ideas and make them become into a only-sex manga, chapter by chapter". The problem came when our MC-kun discovered he can save girls mating them. World with only girls, monsters, dragons and Kalls, strange living beings who has some similarities with men. But one they, we was send to another world (an isekai, you know) by a mysterious creepy girl. We've got Youta, an average highschool student who's in love with his beautiful classmate. The begin of the story wasn't bad at all. I wasn't hoping a new masterpiece when I started to read this, but I believe he would have done something interesting. Okamoto Lynn is well-known for his most famous manga, Elfen Lied, but I started loving him when I read his true masterpiece, Brynhildr in the darkness. Why, Okamoto Lynn? Why? Why are you hurting your fans that much? I urge you to read this manga if you are interested in gender equality and female empowerment. There is a lot of great things in this manga which I do not wish to give away with this review. The author is clearly a feminist at heart and has a lot of knowledge on this subject. The gender differences do come into play a bit but in no way does it focus on either male or female superiority in this story. On his quest the MC bonds with many female warriors with whose help he manages to overcome many hurdles. In no way does this character end up becoming a mary sue who manages all the issues of the world by himself. The male protagonist in this story is merely a driving force to show you a magnificent land ruled by capable female societies. While this story might feature those elements at some parts, this is a much sophisticated story that really breaks new ground in the possible potentials of isekai manga. Must be crap then." This is a bias I advise you toss aside for now, since unlike most isekai this isn't a typical story about a character going through an average RPG storyline of gaining some mystical power, acquiring his own harem and going on a quest to defeat some for of evil deity. Now I know what you might be thinking: "This is an Isekai manga?

doukyuusei manga kissmanga

They live in a world where there haven't been male humans in over 3000 years until a day when an unlikely male hero is transported there from our world. The story portrays an utopia run entirely by strong independent young women. All of these topics are handled in a delicate yet hard-hitting way that really glorify the best parts of female empowerment and feminism. From the author of Elfen Lied and various other manga, Parallel Paradise is a story about the delicate subject of gender differences, sexuality and society as a whole.

Doukyuusei manga kissmanga